My Blog First Anniversary

Flatlay of beauty,hair and fashion I like to blog about
Flatlay of items I like to blog about

The Why to start a Blog

It was a year ago today, that I started writing my blog. My blog has changed so much over the last 12 months, from being just a hobby to now a great job. Don’t get me wrong I am not rolling in it, but things are building nicely and growing at a manageable rate. I first started my blog out of necessity. I was pregnant with my third child and had a few complications where I had to rest alot towards the end of my pregnancy. With this given relaxing period I began to read blogs. This was a real eye opener to me as I know blogging had been around for a while, but to me it had just passed me by. Once I had my third child and the first year of lack of sleep and feeding,changing and sleeping routine was down, I quickly got back to my guilty pleasure – reading blogs.

The When to start a Blog

Then one day I realized I could do this.  It would give me a outlet, a bit of escapism to talk about Make up, Beauty, and Fashion things that are the ‘little Cherry on top’ not life and death stuff, after all I had worked in fashion for 10 years and have been a Make up Artist for the last 3 years. I felt I could offer another view on things. So I joined blogspot and set up my blog and the rest you can say is history. Here we are 75 posts later and I feel once again that my blog is evolving.  In the beginning I didnt want to blog about the obvious by being a mummy blogger, because for me, I was writing my blog to escape the daily grind of being a mother.  I soon realized as the demands of motherhood changed, I have become more relaxed and open to maybe talk more about how I juggle my family and work. Tips and tricks on how to get quick hair and make up when you are always in a hurry, and the last person to worry about on your list. In October of last year I decided to change to WordPress and go to a .com. So now I enter a new phase of my blog morphing into to something different from what I thought it was going to be.

I look forward to where it will be in months to come and I hope you will carry on the journey with me. Thank you so much if you have been reading my blog for a while, and if its your first time then I hope you will keep coming back.

I would love to hear from you if you write blog, why do you write your blog? Has it changed from when you first started it? Or why do you read blogs? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

I would love it if you would check out my social media. Click on the links below and I will see you there!.




Love Nay x

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2 thoughts on “My Blog First Anniversary

  1. Looking forward to reading more. Great forum post. Much obliged. Maillard

    1. Thank you for reading my blog. Im glad you enjoyed it.

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